How to Not Let Difficult Seasons Mean Something About You…
I was talking with a new friend recently about how recent seasons of our life brought on some challenges to our get our stuff done in business energy.
For me, the first trimester of my pregnancy was extremely exhausting.
I was so freaking tired.
I limited my appointments and went to bed early every single day. I felt this extreme exhaustion and felt like I could do the bare minimum, if that.
It felt similar to Covid exhaustion. I was just in bed, and all I could do was lay there. No creativity, no motivation to get things done.
I’m used to having energy, ideas, and tapping into my number one strength-achieving.
I started feeling bad about it and myself.
“I’m not a good partner because I’m not holding up my end of the bargain around the house”
“I’m never going to finish these projects in time” (aka my podcast release that I wanted to launch in January which will now be six months later)
“I’m going to let other people down”
“I’m letting myself down”
I was making this season of slowing down, rest, growth, and building (another freaking human) become about me in an unhelpful way.
I reminded myself of my strengths and my power and my why.
I took a step back to shift perspective on what this is all really about.
I reminded myself that it’s temporary and it has a purpose greater than myself and that’s all it is.
I practiced more self-compassion.
I basically utilized my own methods that I use with my clients every day to re-ground, practice self-love, and simplify.
Now that I’m in my third trimester, I’m feeling the tiredness creep in, but instead of making it mean something unhelpful about me, I’m…
Being very selective about the things that I participate in. Previously I would say yes to all the summits, all the podcast interviews, anything I can get my hands on and now it has to be very simple and on my timeline as I recognize and acknowledge the difference in my energy.
Riding the waves of energy that I do have, even if it means I’m writing this blog post at 9pm.
Making things even more simple than before. I sat down this week and made a very small list of what I actually want/need to do with acceptance and acknowledgment of where I am.
I’m letting things just be easy-especially right now.
So if you are going through a challenging season, check in with yourself…
Am I being fair and loving and compassionate to myself given all the circumstances?
Am I making this mean something about me or my abilities?
How can I be more accepting of this moment in time?
How can I shift my perspective to see things differently?
How can I lean into my power, strengths, and bigger picture?
Angela Williams, LCSW
Angela Williams is a licensed therapist, podcast host, and founder of Angela Marie Coaching, a lifestyle coaching business that empowers high-profile leaders and changemakers to reach their next level of success. Angela has helped thousands of individuals learn, grow and become inspired to reach their next level of transformation in her work as a therapist, coach, educator and speaker.
Her mission is to empower high-achieving individuals to elevate their potential so they can achieve their dreams, enjoy their lives, and impact future generations for good.